Peerawich Ploynumpol: Bio, Profile, Education, Career, Girlfriend, Family, Awards

Published By: SHUSHI KK

Peerawich Ploynumpol, Thai Actor Biography

Peerawich Ploynumpol is a Thai television actor and model who is better known by his nickname "Pee, Pee Peerawich". He was born on 21 February 1998 in Bangkok, Thailand.

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Basic Profile of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Here, Mentioned basic profile information of Thai actor Peerawich Ploynumpol in the short form including full name, nickname, nationality, current age, date of birth, birthplace, height, weight, gender, occupation, agent, etc.

  • Full Name: Peerawich Ploynumpol
  • Other Nickname: Pee
  • Date of Birth: February 21, 1998
  • Place of Birth: Bangkok, Thailand
  • Nationality: Thai
  • Gender: Male
  • Occupation/Profession: Actor & Model
  • Active Years: 2020-present
  • Height: 178 cm
  • Weight: 65 kg
  • Agent: ??
  • Married Status: Unknown
  • Also, read an article like Peerawich Ploynumpol can speak languages fluently

Education of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Thai actor Peerawich Ploynumpol completed his schooling at Sukhondhiravidhi School after that he joined Mahidol University where he studied at the Faculty of Medicine Ramatibodi Hospital in Paramedic. 

Acting Career of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Peerawich Ploynumpol before starting his acting career in 2016 was a contestant on Freshy Boy & Girl at Mahidol University after that he also contested the bachelorette dreams of Cleo 2017 and the JOOX Audition. In 2020, He debuted his acting career with the popular Thai BL TV series "YYY" as one of the supporting roles after that he was cast in multiple projects.

TV Series & Movies of Peerawich Ploynumpol

  1. YYY (2020)
  2. Y-Destiny (2021)
  3. My Ride
  4. Nilundon --- See the full list of TV series & movies of actor Peerawich Ploynumpol

Family & Relatives of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Peerawich Ploynumpol does not share any thoughts related to his parents, family members, and relatives in any talk that's why currently we do not have enough information but we are trying to find information related to his family. So, will re-update this article as soon as possible after getting the information.

Girlfriend & Relationship of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Peerawich Ploynumpol is one of the young, handsome, good-looking, and talented actors so maybe he is currently dating someone BUT according to our data records, he is currently single and he is not dating anyone right now. Right now do have enough information about Peerawich Ploynumpol's previous relationship & girlfriend but maybe he was about someone we are not sure about this; maybe our team is working on this article we will update this article again as soon as possible...!!!

Net Worth of Peerawich Ploynumpol

Peerawich Ploynumpol is a hard-working & talented Thai actor who started his career in the television entertainment industry in 2020 that's why he has a good net worth and also his current net worth is growing significantly in the upcoming years. You can check Peerawich Ploynumpol's current net worth in another article just click here & read all about his current net worth --- Article about Peerawich Ploynumpol's current net worth.

Fans of Peerawich Ploynumpol on Social Media

Peerawich Ploynumpol is very active and popular on social media platforms including Twitter, Facebook & Instagram but here we are trying to mention only the details of his Instagram account. Peerawich Ploynumpol has an official Instagram account with the username "(@peerawich.p)" where he has more than 99.7K fan followers.

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