What is the TV Series & movies list of Peerawich Ploynumpol?



Rohan Mathur

Peerawich Ploynumpol [Acting Career]

Actually, before starting his acting career, Peerawich Ploynumpol was a contestant on Freshy Boy & Girl at Mahidol University. After that, he has also joined the contested bachelorette dreams of Cleo 2017 and the JOOX Audition.

In 2020, He debuted his acting career with the popular Thai BL TV series "YYY" as one of the supporting roles after that he was cast in multiple projects. Some project is already released & is upcoming in the future like Y-Destiny in 2021, My Ride, Nilundon, etc...

Special Shows of Peerawich Ploynumpol

  1. YYY Special: Episode 0 (2020)
  2. YYY Special (2020)

Full List of TV Series of Peerawich Ploynumpol

  1. YYY (2020)
  2. Y-Destiny (2021)
  3. My Ride
  4. Nilundon

peerawich TV series list
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