How is the Thai entertainment industry?



K. Kelly Wind

Thailand Entertainment Industry

The entertainment industry in Thailand is experiencing rapid growth, with a total revenue of US$129.70 million in 2022. According to projections indicate an annual growth rate of 11.37%, anticipating a market volume of US$214.00 million by the year 2027.

History of Thailand's Cinema Industry

The history of the Thai cinema industry traces back to the early days of filmmaking, marked by the recording of King Chulalongkorn's 1897 visit to Bern, Switzerland by François-Henri Lavancy-Clarke. Following this, the film was brought to Bangkok and exhibited, sparking increased interest in filmmaking among the Thai Royal Family and local entrepreneurs. This led to the introduction of filmmaking equipment and the exhibition of foreign films.

By the 1920s, the groundwork for a local film industry was laid, and the 1930s witnessed the inception of the first "golden age" of the Thai film industry, characterized by the establishment of numerous studios producing films.

The First Thai film

In 1894, Auguste and Louis Lumière had a film exhibition that toured in Southeast Asia and on 9 June 1897, "The Wonderful Parisian Cinematograph" was screened in Bangkok, and is the first known film screening in Thailand.

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