HTML Plug-ins

In computing, a plug-in (or plugin, add-in, addin, add-on, addon, or extension) is a software component that adds a specific feature to an existing computer program. When a program supports plug-ins, it enables customization. The common examples are the plug-ins used in web browsers to add new features such as search-engines, virus scanners, or the ability to use a new file type such as a new video format.

Note: A plugin is software that provides access to content the browser cannot read natively.

HTML Plug-ins

  • The purpose of a plug-in is to extend the functionality of a web browser.
  • Plug-ins are computer programs that extend the standard functionality of a web browser.
  • Plug-ins can be added to web pages with the <object> tag or the <embed> tag.
  • Plug-ins can be used for: display maps, scan for viruses, verify your bank id, etc.

What is Plug-ins?

Plug-ins are small piece of software and web component which enables web browser to access some functionality and data source.

Why we need Plug-Ins?

Some time if we want to change the default functionality of web browser then in such condition plug-ins are very helpful for example if we want to add some virus scanning in web browser, to change data traveling or hiding id we use VPN, Flash Player functionality and many more thing. To achieve all these things we use Plug-Ins.

How to Add Plug-ins in HTML Page

The plug-ins can be inserted in html page by using tags <object> or <embed> tags. So let’s know what are these tag and how to use them.

The <object> Element

The <object> element is supported by all browsers. The <object> element defines an embedded object within an HTML document. It is used to embed plug-ins (like Java applets, PDF readers, Flash Players) in web pages.

Object Tag Syntax

<object width="width_here" height="height_here" data="plug-in/html page/image path" ></object>

Object Tag Example

<object  width="255" height="54" data="bookmark.swf" ></object>


Note: Basically <object> element provides an area for html plug-ins, in that area we can pass the path of plug-in element, in this way we can add plugins in our web page.

The <embed> Element

The <embed> element is supported in all major browsers. The <embed> element also defines an embedded object within an HTML document. Web browsers have supported the <embed> element for a long time. However, it has not been a part of the HTML specification before HTML5.

Embed Tag Syntax

<embed  src="plug-in/html page/image path"/>

The embed plugin content

<embed> <object> Description
src data URL of the embedded content
type type accurate media type of the embedded content
height width height width height and width of the box controlled by the plugin
not supported (<noembed> is obsolete) contained within <object> ofter <param> elements independent HTML content as fallback for an unavailable resource
not hoc attribute with those names and values single-tag <param> elements, contained within <object> names and values, to feed the plugin as parameters

Note: <object> requires a data attribute, a type attribute, or both. If you use both, you may also use the typemustmatch attribute (only implemented in Firefox, as of this writing). typemustmatch keeps the embedded file from running unless the type attribute provides the correct media type.

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