HTML Basic Introduction

What is the HTML?

HTML is not a programming language - it is a markup language that defines the structure of your content.

H- Hyper, T-Text, M-Markup, L-Language (HTML), means it is a language that contains text, symbols, graphics, and links is called HTML. It is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. With the help of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript (JS).

HTML is the most widely used language on the Web to develop web pages. HTML was created by 'Berners Lee' in late 1991. Basically, the whole collection of text, graphics, links, and symbols is treated as an HTML document, and an HTML document has two parts, such as:

  • Head Section
  • Body Section

Head Section

The head section starts with <head> and ends with </head>, between the head tag you can write the title, CSS, and javascript, and also can attach external .js, and .css file links.

  • Title Bar - Above the URL bar in the browser you can see an icon and title (icon is not mandatory).
  • Content Area - Below url bar the whole area where you can see text, images, graphics, etc.

Body Section

The body section starts with <body> and ends with </body> and all your content you can write between body tags.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Page Title</title>
<p>Paragraph............</p> </body> </html>

Simple HTML Document

  • The HTML started with <!DOCTYPE html> It defines this document to be HTML5.
  • The element of <html> is the root element of an HTML page
  • The <head> element contains meta-information about the document
  • The <title> element specifies a title for the document
  • The element of the <body> tag contains the visible page content
  • We can use <h1> tag to write headings or bigger fonts on the page.
  • <p> tag is used to write paragraphs or text on the page.

How Important is it to Learn HTML?

"The question begins from why we need HTML not from what is HTML. If we want to study HTML then first we have to understand the need for HTML, because this is the question that is responsible for HTML birth. To understand the answer to this question first of all we need to create a scenario, let’s begin!"

Let's Understand HTML

Often we are using Google, and Facebook and reading so many blogs and websites over the internet. If we observe carefully one question will arise in our mind, How do this information, and images appear on the computer screen, how this information is arranged in a proper way, and how is it possible to use multiple colors on a website? The answer to all these questions is by using HTML.

  • Web Page - On a web page there are many things like text, images, buttons, text boxes, and so many things, we can ask a question about how it is possible to appearing these thing in a web browser! The simple answer is HTML. HTML is some set of rules, we can use those rules to arrange text and images in a webpage. The web page is a collection of HTML rules and text, images, video, etc.
  • Web Browser - Web-browser is a software that is used to understand HTML rules and display webpage which is a collection of HTML rules and our contents.

HTML Versions details with dates

HTML 1991 HTML 2.0 1995
HTML 3.2 1997 HTML 4.01 1999
XHTML 2000 HTML5 (FPD) 2008
HTML5 2014 HTML 5.1 2016

Short information about HTML

  • HTML describes the structure of Web pages using markup.
  • HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages.
  • HTML elements are represented with the help of tags.
  • HTML tags label pieces of content such as 'heading - like (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5, & h6)', 'paragraph', 'table - like (th, td, tbody, thead etc.)', 'list - like (ol, ul)' etc.
  • Browsers do not display the HTML tags but use them to render the content of the page.


All HTML tags started with the help of angle brackets means that greater than & less than brackets. It looks like '<> opening tag', and mostly all tags have a closing tag like -' closing tag'. But some tags don't have a closing tag it is called Empty Tag for example - br, hr, etc.

HTML Tag Example

<Opening_Tag attribute_name="attribute_value">content goes here...</Closing_Tag>

The closing tag looks the same as the opening tag, except that it includes a forward slash ('/') before the element name. This states where the element ends.

HTML Tags Informations

  • HTML tags normally come in pairs like <html> and </html>
  • The end tag is looks like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before the tag name.

Attributes of HTML Elements

Attribute Description
class The class of the element and is used to render the content
direction (dir) The direction to directionally neutral text - It can set this attribute to ltr for left to right text direction or rtl for right to left text direction.
id The ID represent unique alphanumeric identifier for the element
lang Lang represent base langugare used for the element
version It represent the version of the language uesd.
xmlns XMLNS declares a namespace for customtags in an HTML Document

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