CSS Combinators

CSS combinators are used to explain a relationship between two selectors.

Types of CSS Combinators

There are four different types of combinators used in CSS:

  1. Descendant Selector (Space)
  2. Child Selector (>)
  3. Adjacent Sibling Selector (+)
  4. General Sibling Selector (~)

Descendant Selector (Space)

The descendant selector is used to select all the child elements of the specified element.

Example of Descendant Selector

div p {
     background-color: #00758F;
     color: #fff;


Hello! This is the paragraph 1

Hello! This is the paragraph 2

Hello! This is the paragraph 3

Hello! This is the paragraph 4

Child Selector (>)

The child selector is used to select all the elements that are the children of the specified element.

Example of Child Selector

div > p {
     background-color: #00758F;
     color: #fff;


Hello! This is the paragraph 1

Hello! This is the paragraph 2

Hello! This is the paragraph 3

Hello! This is the paragraph 4

Hello! This is the paragraph 5

Hello! This is the paragraph 6

Hello! This is the paragraph 7

Adjacent Sibling Selector (+)

The adjacent sibling selector is used to select all the elements that are the adjacent sibling of the specified element.

NOTE: The sibling elements must have the same parant element.

Example of Adjacent Sibling Selector

div + p {
     background-color: #00758F;
     color: #fff;


Hello! This is the paragraph 1; paragraph inside the div

Hello! This is the paragraph 2; paragraph inside the div

Hello! This is the paragraph 3; paragraph outside the div

Hello! This is the paragraph 4; paragraph outside the div

General Sibling Selector (~)

The general sibling selector is used to select all the elements that are sibling of the specified element.

Example of General Sibling Selector

div ~ p {
     background-color: #00758F;
     color: #fff;


Hello! This is the paragraph 1

Hello! This is the paragraph 2

Hello! This is the paragraph 3

Hello! Write here something

Hello! This is the paragraph 4

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