What are the top American companies in Cambodia?


Atul Verma

American companies in Cambodia

American companies in Cambodia

Cambodia is an Asian country, located in Southeast Asia. Cambodia is officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia. Cambodia shares its border with countries Thailand, Vietnam, Laos. In terms of population and land area, Cambodia is a small country. Cambodia is famous for its natural beauty and tourist destinations. Cambodia has a limited number of companies in which there are few American companies. Below I'm going to list the top American companies in Cambodia but before that let's know some important details about Cambodia.

Important Details About Cambodia

  • Country Name: Cambodia
  • Official Name: Kingdom of Cambodia
  • Capital: Phnom Penh
  • Largest City: Phnom Penh
  • Population: 10.6 million [ 2021, Estimated ]
  • Official Language: Khmer
  • Major Religions: Buddhism, Islam
  • Area: 181035 Km Sq.
  • GDP: $26.628 billion [ Nominal ]
  • GDP: $1614 [ Nominal Per Capita ]

List of Top Best American Companies in Cambodia

There are only a few American companies are operating their production and service units in Cambodia. The list of the top American companies in Cambodia is given below.

  • Amazon
  • Starbucks
  • AIA Group
  • Peace Corps
  • Digital Divide Data

The above list is the list of top American companies in Cambodia. Since there are only a few American companies in Cambodia so I have listed only 4 American MNC's names. If you know other American companies that are working in Cambodia then kindly mention the names of companies. 

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