What are the top American companies in Taiwan

american companies in taiwan

American Companies in Taiwan 2022

There are more than 20+ major and more than hundreds of small-scale American technology multination companies present in the country of Taiwan. Top American tech companies like IBM, Google, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, etc. have their offices and production units in Taiwan.

Since Taiwan is a key player in the supply chain of semiconductors, TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.) is the largest semiconductor manufacturer in the world and it holds over 56% Global Market Share of the Semiconductor Industry as of 2022. Semiconductors are one of the most essential things in the manufacturing of electronic goods and automobiles. It is the fact Americans dominate the world due to their technology companies, and the technology companies need semiconductors and Taiwan is its best provider, due to this reason you will see that all major American technology companies have their presence in Taiwan.

It is not possible to mention the names of all American companies in Taiwan, so I have listed only the top major American companies that are operating their business or production units in the country of Taiwan.

List of the Top American Companies in Taiwan

  • IBM
  • Google
  • McKinsey & Company
  • Microsoft
  • Boston Consulting Group
  • Synopsys
  • HP Inc.
  • Apple
  • Uber
  • Dell
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G)
  • Nike
  • Intel Corporation
  • Qualcomm

The above list is the list of the top American companies in Taiwan. American companies play a significant role in the development of Taiwan, The American companies provide huge numbers of employment to the Taiwanese people. Above, I have listed only a few top American companies, There are more than 100+ other small and big American MNCs present in Taiwan. In the future, I will answer this question with a full list of American companies in Taiwan.

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