Which are the top American companies in China?



American Companies in China

Top American Companies in China

There are more than 500+ big and small American company are operating their business in China, and uncounted numbers of American companies operating their business with the collaboration with other Chinese organizations. Top American technology companies such as Apple, IBM, Intel, Qualcomm, etc have established their production and operational units in China. Not only technology companies, in sectors such as automobile, manufacturing, infrastructure, textile, medical, food processing, etc. a huge list of American companies are operating their business in China.

Why China is a Lucrative Place for American Companies?

If you ask a question 'What a company needs for the success of their business?' The answer to the above question is hidden in the answer to this question. A company requires a few essential things to get success in their business, these are listed below.

  • Infrastructure
  • Cheap Labor
  • Skilled Labor
  • Raw Material
  • Good Supply Chain Eco-System
  • Big Market
  • Ease of Doing Business
  • Transparency
  • Good Geographical Coverage
  • Protection Over Religious Extremism

The above-listed points are a few important key points that every organization sees to establish their business. During the 1980s the policymaker in China recognized these opportunities and made appropriate policies and decisions to achieve these radical reforms, Within a few years of hard work China was standing at the stage where it looks most attractive place for foreign companies to do their business.

Trade Between USA and China

There is no doubt the USA and China are both giant economic superpowers in the world, the trade between China and USA reaches a massive $600+ billion. When the USA and China trade China exports more and the USA imports more. As of 2020, the total trade value between these two countries was $615.2 billion in which The USA exports to China was $164.9 billion and import value was $450.4 billion. By 2020 the trade deficit of the USA with China was massive $285.5 billion.

American companies have played a key role in the development of China, They provide millions of employment and contribute a huge amount of wealth to China's GDP in form of Taxes. It's a win-win situation for both China as well as American companies. The companies get all facilities as they required at a cheaper cost, they manufacture products in China and sell them across the world, In return, they pay taxes to the Chinese government and keep profit in their pockets. So let's see which American giant companies are operating their businesses in China.

List of the Top American Companies in China

There are more than 500+ American companies are doing their business in China, The below list is the list of the top 25 most valuable American companies that are operating their business in China so let's go through the list.

  1. Apple
  2. Tesla
  3. Dell
  4. IBM
  5. Coca Cola
  6. Gap Inc.
  7. Intel Corporation
  8. Western Digital
  9. Seagate
  10. Nvidia
  11. Microsoft
  12. Microsoft
  13. HP Computer
  14. Qualcomm
  15. General Electric (GE)
  16. FedEx
  17. AT&T
  18. Abbott Laboratories
  19. Cisco Systems
  20. Cummins, Inc
  21. Ford Motors
  22. General Motors
  23. Johnson & Johnson
  24. Pfizer, Inc
  25. 3M

The above list is the list of the top 25 American companies that are operating either production, manufacturing, sales, or business units in China. This list is prepared on basis of various authentic data sources such as World Bank, Wikipedia, WTO, etc.

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