What is the net worth of Thai actor Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong?



Shukhman JJ

Tanutchai Wijitwongthong (Actor & Model)

Tanutchai Wijitwongthong, better known as the nickname "Mond" is a Thai actor. Mond got more popularity by his main roles as Por in GMMTV's presented series "Fabulous 30: The Series" in 2017 and Matt in the "Kiss Me Again" series in 2018.

Current Net Worth Of Tanutchai Wijitwongthong 2020

Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong is a popular and handsome Thai actor & about his net worth according to 2019, he has an estimated net worth of around $1,00,000 to $1 Million approximated BUT his current estimated net worth is growing significantly in 2020 & 2021.

We don't have enough information about Mond Tanutchai's actual current net worth right now BUT according to various online resources, the most popular Thai actor "Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong's" has an estimated net worth around $1 Million - $5 Million approximated as of 2020. His primary resource of income is being a professional Thai actor in Thailand from the Thai entertainment industry.

Currently, we do not have enough information about Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong's current salary, annual income, and how much he charges for a TV series or episode.

Popular Television Series of Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong

  1. Water Boyy (2017)
  2. Fabulous 30: The Series (2017)
  3. Kiss Me Again (2018)
  4. The Judgement (2018)
  5. Boy For Rent (2019)
  6. The Underclass (2020)  ---- Full List of Series & Movies of Mond Tantchai Wijitwongthong

Basic Information About Mond & His Family

Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong was born on 25 January 1997 in Bangkok, Thailand to a Thai-Chinese father and a Thai-Indian mother. He began acting career with the supporting role in "Water Boyy: The Series" in 2017- present.

Education & Qualification Of Mond Tanutchai

Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong graduated in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in Communication Arts at Bangkok University, Bangkok University in Thailand.

Mond Tanutchai Wijitwongthong net worth 2020
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