What is the TV Series & movies list of Jeon Yeo Bin?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: JJ Mike


Rimi KK

Jeon Yeo Bin | TV Series & Movies

South Korean actress "Jeon Yeo Bin" becomes one of the popular personalities in the Korean television and film entertainment industry who made her acting career as an actress in 2017 as one of the supporting roles in the TV series "Save Me" and the same year in the film "Ride Together" Since then she is active in the industry. The complete list of her movies, television series, and TV shows list are mentioned below:

Actress Jeon Yeo Bin Basic Profile

Full Television Series of Jeon Yeo Bin

  1. Save Me (2017)
  2. Live (2018)
  3. Be Melodramatic (2019)
  4. Vincenzo (2021)
  5. Glitch (TBA)

Movies List of Jeon Yeo Bin

  1. The Treacherous (2015)
  2. The Age of Shadows (2016)
  3. Great Patrioteers (2016)
  4. Ride Together (2016)
  5. Write or Dance (2017)
  6. The Running Actress (2017)
  7. After My Death (2017)
  8. Merry Christmas Mr. Mo (2017)
  9. Illang: The Wolf Brigade (2018)
  10. Forbidden Dream (2019)
  11. Secret Zoo (2020)
  12. Night in Paradise (2021)

TV Shows List of Jeon Yeo Bin

  1. Running Man (2010)
  2. Knowing Bros (2015)
  3. Movie Room (2018)

Jeon Yeo Bin full tv series list
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