What is the current net worth of Jeon Yeo Bin?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: JJ Mike


Winwagas MM.

Current Net Worth of Jeon Yeo Bin

Jeon Yeo Bin is a very popular Korean television & film actress and model who is currently active in the South Korean entertainment industry. She started her acting career with a period movie named "The Treacherous" in 2015 Since then she has been working on several projects around more than 12+ movies and 5+ TV series that's why she has a good net worth right now.

Exactly, We do not have an accurate net worth of Jeon Yeo Bin in 2021 BUT according to the various online resources she has maintained an estimated current net worth is around $2 Million to $5 Million dollars approximated as of 2020. She has mostly earned all her money is being a professional actress from the Korean entertainment industry. Actually, her current income or worth both are growing significantly in 2021 and in upcoming years. 

Profile & Life Style of Jeon Yeo Bin

Jeon Yeo Bin is a Korean film & television actress and model who was born in Gangneung, South Korea. Here, we just trying to list some basic information about Jeon Yeo Bin one by one in short:

Jeon Yeo Bin made her acting career as an actress in 2015 with the period movie named "The Treacherous" since that she is active in the South Korean entertainment industry. In 2017, she also appears in the film "The Running Actress".

Popular TV Series of Jeon Yeo Bin

  1. Save Me (2017)
  2. Live (2018)
  3. Be Melodramatic (2019)
  4. Forbidden Dream (2019)
  5. Secret Zoo (2020)
  6. Vincenzo (2021)
  7. Glitch
  8. Night in Paradise (2021) -------- See the full television series & movies list of Jeon Yeo Bin

jeon yeo bin current net worth
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