Tao Pusin Warinruk: Bio, Education, Career, Facts, Family, Girlfriend, Wife, Kids

Published By: FLYNN

Tao Pusin Warinruk, Biography

Tao Pusin Warinruk is a Thai television and film actor who was born on 15 March 1992 in Thailand. He is also known by other names เต๋า ภูศิลป์, Tao Pusin, ภูศิลป์ วารินรักษ์, Pusin Warinruk.

Tao Pusin Warinruk biography

Movies Done By Tao Pusin Warinruk

Tao Pusin Warinruk has done two movies. He is more active in the television industry in comparison to the film industry.

  1. Hug Jao E Lee as Ken (cast in a leading role)
  2. Embracing Khemarat as Peng (cast in supporting role)

FAQ of Thai Actor Tao Pusin Warinruk

Let's discuss all about actor Tao Pusin Warinruk in FAQ form including his personal and professional lifestyle, TV, movie list, qualifications, net worth, languages he speaks fluently, relationship, girlfriend, and more..

How many TV series Tao Pusin Warinruk done?

Tao Pusin Warinruk has done more than 15 television drama series in leading, supporting, and guest appearances since he started his acting career in 2017, list here:

  1. The Opera of Love
  2. Dear Siranee
  3. Mafia Lamsing
  4. Sin Lai Soh
  5. Oh, Teacher Khong
  6. Nora Saon
  7. To Me, It's Simply You
  8. Poo Yai San Gamnan See
  9. Watsana Rak
  10. Thung Saneha
  11. Kiss of the Cobra
  12. Dok Kun Sieng Kaen
  13. Rising Girl
  14. Transistor Love Story
  15. Dao Jarut Fah
  16. Ruk Long Rohng
  17. Songkram Pleng

How many TV Shows Tao Pusin Warinruk done?

Tao Pusin Warinruk has done more than 10 television shows most of the shows he attended as a guest:

  1. The Story 2024
  2. Mor Lam Idol
  3. Kleur Wonder
  4. Daily Show
  5. Sound Check 2022
  6. First and Last Thailand
  7. Eat Am R
  8. Sound Check 2021
  9. I Can See Your Voice Thailand Season 4
  10. The Wall Song
  11. The Mask Temple Fair
  12. Journey of Life
  13. Hollywood Game Night Thailand Season 3
  14. I Can See Your Voice Thailand Season 3 
  15. Family Feud Thailand 

How many languages does Tao Pusin Warinruk speak fluently?

Tao Pusin Warinruk was born and grew up in Thailand which is why he is very fluent in the official language of Thailand which is Thai. He is also very familiar with the English language (speaks and understands but is not fluent in his native language Thai).

  • Thai (Home Language)
  • English

What is the current net worth of Tao Pusin Warinruk?

As we know, Tao Pusin Warinruk has done more than 15 television drama series, two movies, and 15 television shows at present which is why he is maintaining a good net worth which is between $10,000 to $2 million. He earns all his money through his acting career being a professional television actor and singer. He also earns money through his social media account and advertisements.

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