What is the current net worth of PSY?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: DJ Mglam


MK Virnam

Park-Jae-Sang, known professionally as PSY, is a South Korean Singer, Rapper, Songwriter, and Record Producer. Psy was born on 31st December 1977 in the Gangnam District of Seoul, South Korea.

Current Net Worth of PSY (South Korean Rapper)

PSY’s net worth is estimated to be roughly $60 Million dollars in 2020. PSY gained nearly-instant international fame thanks to his catchy hit single "Gangnam Style" and subsequent YouTube fame for the music video.

Psy Musical Career Information

Psy’s music career started with he released his debut album ‘PSY from a Psycho World’ in 2001. However criticized he was for his first attempt, it was a moderate success. He followed his first album with two more quick albums named ‘Sa 2’ and ‘3 PSY’ in 2002.

Psy's is best known for his hit single "Gangnam Style". The song’s refrain was entered into The Yale Book of Quotations as one of the most famous quotations of 2012.

Best Highlight Songs & Album List

  • PsyFive (Album, 2010)
  • Gangnam Style (Song, 2012)
  • Gentleman (Song, 2013)
  • I LUV IT (Song, 2017) 

psy net worth 2020
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