How many languages does Jimin (Park Jimin) can speak?

Last Update: Apr 26 2024 | BY: Mi Ninya


Shobhna Mathur

Birth & Family Detail of Jimin (Park Ji-Min)

South Korean dancer and singer Jimin (Park Ji-Min) was born on 13 October 1995 in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea. He has attended Busan's Hodong Elementary School and Yonsan Middle School. He studied contemporary dance at Busan High School of Arts and was a top student in the modern dance department.

Languages Jimin (Park Ji-Min) Speak Fluently

As we know, Jimin was born and grew up in Geumjeong District, Busan, South Korea, which is why he is very fluent in Korean (the official and native language of South Korea). Along with Korean, he also understands and speaks English a little bit but not like his native language Korean.

  • Korean

Although it is possible, that he might also know some additional foreign languages such as Mandarin, Thai, Japanese, etc at present, we have a lack of information regarding his fluency in these foreign languages.

jimin speak languages fluently
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