Which CSS property does not influence the box model?


Nauneet Vishkarma


In CSS, a Box-Model is used to create the design and layout of web pages with the help of some CSS box-model properties like positioning, box-sizing, margin, padding, border, border-radius, shadow, etc...

Box-Model Property Does Not Influence

"The CSS outline property is not part of the CSS Box Model. So, the Outlines do not take up any space. It is created with the outline properties drawn 'OVER' a box, (i.e.) The outlines are always on top and do not influence the position or size of the box, or any other boxes"


There are four edges required in a CSSBOX-MODEL such as

  1. Content Edge OR Inner Edge
  2. Padding Edge (Padding-Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
  3. Margin Edge (Margin-Top, Bottom, Left, Right)
  4. Border Edge (Border, Border-Radius, etc.)

box model
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