What is the TV series & movies list of Mild Suttinut Uengtrakul?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Jojo Megha



Jinna Pichit-o-Pakun [TV Series]

Mild Suttinut Uengtrakul, professionally known by the name of "Jinna Pichit-o-Pakun" and nickname "Mild" is a Thai actor & model who was born on 12 November 1993 in Thailand. He becomes a popular actor playing the role name Tee in the Thai BL series "The Best Twins" and also playing the supporting role in the most popular TV series "TharnType" in 2019 as the role name Techno.

Profile of Mild Suttinut in Short

Full List of TV Series of Jinna Pichit-o-Pakun

  1. Mr. Bad Guy
  2. My Ride (2022)
  3. TharnType2: 7 Years Of Love (2020-2021)
  4. TharnType (2019)
  5. The Best Twins (2019)
  6. What the Duck (2018)
  7. Crazy Love (2015)

Movies & TV Shows of Jinna Pichit-o-Pakun

  1. TharnType 2 Special: The Wedding Day (2021)
  2. TharnType Special: Our Final Love (2020)
  3. Yicon Thailand (2020)
  4. Love Love You 2 (2019)
  5. Red Wine in the Dark Night (Film, 2015)
  6. Love's Coming (Film, 2014)

Instagram Followers of Mild Suttinut

Mild Suttinut Uengtrakul is much active and popular on the social media platform Instagram. He has an official account with the username (@mildjinna), where he has over 683k fans followers with a total number of 461 posts, the last update according to his account update of 5th August 2021.

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