Which are the top movies and tv shows of Baran Akbulut?




Baran Akbulut (All Projects Movies, TV Series, Shows, etc..)

Below, you can find the full list of TV series, movies, and television shows done by actor Baran Akbulut, since he started his acting career including leading, supporting, and guest roles.

Full List of TV Series & Movies By Baran Akbulut

  1. Teskilat-i Mahsusa Trablus (2023)
  2. This Is the World (2023)
  3. Aziz (2021)
  4. Bircanlar Lokantasi (2021)
  5. Ariza (2020)
  6. Kuzgun (2019)
  7. Agaçkakan: Kesin Samatayi (2018)
  8. Baba Nerdesin Kayboldum (2018)
  9. Love and Hate (2016) 
  10. Sahipli (2017)
  11. Yunus Emre (2015)
  12. Yedi Güzel Adam
  13. Behzat Ç: An Ankara Detective Story (2010)
  14. Çanakkale 1915 (2012)
  15. Son (2012)
  16. One Day or Another (2012)
  17. Forbidden Love (2008)
  18. Kirmizi Lokomotif (2003)

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