What is the full TV series & movie list of Goto Yutaro?

Query By: R.T. COLVAN


Simi W.K.

Goto Yutaro (TV Series & Movies)

Goto Yutaro is one of the popular & handsome Japanese actors, singers, and models working in the Japanese television and film entertainment industry. He was born on 3 June 1998 in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan.

Here we are trying to mention the basic profile information, full television series list, and movies list of Goto Yutaro in short including some more articles links like mentioned below:

Basic Profile Details of Goto Yutaro

Full List of Television Series/Dramas of Goto Yutaro

  1. Yuube wa Otanoshimi Deshita ne (2019)
  2. Sherlock: The Untold Stories (2019)
  3. Follow Saretara Owari (2019)
  4. Raise de Wa Chanto Shimasu (2020)
  5. Followers (2020)
  6. Shonan Junai Gumi! (2020)
  7. Sixteen Shoukougun (2020)
  8. 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru Rashii (2020)
  9. Aoki Vuanpaia no Nayami (2021)
  10. Zettai BL ni Naru Sekai vs Zettai BL ni Naritakunai Otoko (2021)

Full List of Movies of Goto Yutaro

  1. 3D Kanojo: Real Girl (2018)
  2. Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai (2019)
  3. Korosanai Kare to Shinanai Kanojo (2019)

List of Theater of Goto Yutaro

  1. Hatsukoi Monster (2017)
  2. Live Musical (2017)
  3. Live Musical (2017)
  4. Live Musical (2018)
  5. Live Musical (2018)
  6. Hiragana Men (2018)

List of Music Videos of Goto Yutaro

  • Soraru (2019)

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