How does Aside work in HTML?



Bright Madhu

In HTML <aside> Tag

In HTML, the <aside> element is suitable for ensuring that the text within it can give pertinent and supplemental information but is not necessary for comprehending the main content.

Works of <aside> Tag in HTML

  • Placement Within a Parent Element
  • Visual Presentation
  • Dissociation from Main Content

Placement Within a Parent Element

  • The <aside> tag is typically placed inside a parent element that represents the main content section, such as <article> or <section>.
  • This placement helps indicate the relationship between the <aside> content and the surrounding main content.

Visual Presentation

  • The content within the <aside> tag may be rendered with a different style or placement from the main content, such as being displayed in a sidebar or in a visually distinct section of the webpage by default.
  • The specific styling and presentation of the <aside> content can be customized using CSS to suit the design and layout of the webpage.

Dissociation from Main Content

  • The <aside> tag is not required to comprehend the main content and is only meant to be indirectly linked to it.
  • The <aside> tag can be distinguished from the main content using assistive technology, search engines, and other tools, allowing users to navigate or skip it as they see fit.

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