What is the current net worth of Thai actress Samantha Melanie Coates?



Mahira Gil

Samantha Melanie Coates, Current Net Worth (2024-2025)

In 2014, Samantha Melanie Coates became a popular television actress when she was cast in the popular Thai BL series "Love Sick", as well as it's the sequel of "Love Sick" which was released in 2015 as one of the supporting roles. She mostly works a supporting role in TV series but in 2021, she was cast as one of the lead roles in the series "Seven Project" which is why currently she has a good net worth.

According to our data that was found from multiple online sites and social media, she has currently maintained an estimated net worth between $.5 Million to $3 Million, which she earned from her profession as an actress in Thailand's entertainment industry. She getting more experience day by day which is why her current income is also growing significantly.

Career, Personal Life of Samantha Melanie Coates

Samantha Melanie Coates has worked in multiple popular Thai television series such as "Love By Chane", "Until We Meet Again", and more since she started her acting career. She was born on 30 August 1995 in Bangkok, Thailand.

TV Series by Samantha Melanie Coates

  1. Love Sick
  2. Love Sick 2
  3. Love By Chane
  4. Until We Meet Again
  5. Seven Project 
  6. Game On -------- See the full television series list of Samantha Melanie Coates

samantha melanie current net worth
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