Samantha Melanie Coates: Bio, Education, Career, Boyfriend, Family, House


Samantha Melanie Coates

Samantha Melanie Coates, also known by her nickname "Sammy" is a Thai actress and model who is working in the Thai television entertainment industry since 2014.

She was born on 30 August 1995 in Thailand, actually, Sammy is half Thai and half British. She is mostly working in supporting roles in television series.

Basic Profiles of Samantha Melanie Coates

(Here you can easily find the basic information of Samantha Melanie Coates in short including Biography, Full Name, Nickname, Nationality, Age, Date of Birth, Birth Place, Height, Weight, Gender, Occupation, Agent, etc...)

  • Full Name: Samantha Melanie Coates
  • English or Nickname: Sammy
  • Date of Birth: August 30, 1995
  • Birth Place: Thailand
  • Nationality: Thai (Thailand)
  • Occupation/Profession: Actress and Model
  • Active Year: 2014-present
  • Agent: Studio Wabi Sabi 
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 170 cm
  • Weight: ??
  • Married Status: Unmarried

Samantha Melanie Coates biography

Qualification of Samantha Melanie Coates

Actually, Samantha Melanie Coates is currently around 25 years old so, maybe she has completed her graduation but right now we do not have enough updates related to her education & qualification because she did not share her qualification on any social media talk and sites, So, we will be updating this article as soon as..!!

Acting Career of Samantha Melanie Coates

Samantha Melanie Coates made her acting debut in 2014 with the popular BL series "Love Sick". Since then, she has appeared in various television dramas, including "Love By Chance" (2018), "Love By Chance 2" (2020), Seven Project, etc...

Popular TV Series of Samantha Melanie Coates

  1. Love Sick
  2. Love Sick 2
  3. Love By Chane
  4. Until We Meet Again
  5. Love By Chance 2: A Chance to Love
  6. Between Us (2021)
  7. Seven Project 
  8. Game On -------- See the full list of television series of Samantha Melanie Coates

Samantha Melanie Coates series education

Boyfriend & Relationship of Samantha Melanie Coates

About Samantha Melanie Coates's current boyfriend and relationship, she is currently a popular and good-looking actress so maybe she is currently dating someone BUT according to our data, Summy is currently single, and also she is not dating anyone right now.

BUT, we do not have any updates related to Samantha Melanie Coates's previous boyfriend and relationship because she keeps her personal information from the media so we will update this article as soon as..!!

Followers of Samantha Melanie Coates on Instagram

Samantha Melanie Coates is much active and popular on Instagram's social media platform. She has an official account with the username "@sammy_3008" where she has around 1.1 Million fans followers with a total number of 2,789 posts, according to the last updates July 2nd 2021.

Samantha Melanie Coates boyfriend family

Current Net Worth Samantha Melanie Coates

You can also read more about Samantha Melanie Coates's current net worth, actually, she is a very hardworking actress. She made her acting debut as we mentioned in 2014 to present in the Thai television industry that why her current net worth is good, and also her current net worth is increasing significantly in 2021 and upcoming years.

According to the various online resources, you can check Samantha Melanie Coates's current estimated net worth in another article just click the link and read the details of her net worth right now --- Samantha Melanie Coates's current net worth article

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