Which are the top movies and tv shows of Antonio Banderas?

Last Update: Apr 25 2024 | BY: Adom


Tia Jaishwal

Antonio Banderas | TV Series & Movies

Antonio Banderas is one of the popular Spanish actors, directors, and producers who have done more than 60+ movies & 8+ television series & TV shows. Some popular movies and television series list mentioned below:

Popular Movies List of Antonio Banderas

  1. The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water (2015)
  2. Knight of Cups (2015)
  3. The 33 (2015)
  4. Altamira (2016)
  5. Black Butterfly (2017)
  6. Gun Shy (2017)
  7. Security (2017)
  8. Acts of Vengeance (2017)
  9. Bullethead (2017)
  10. The Music of Silence (2017)
  11. Beyond the Edge (2018)
  12. Life Itself (2018)
  13. Pain and Glory (2019)
  14. The Laundromat (2019)
  15. Dolittle (2020)
  16. Uncharted (2021)
  17. The Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard (2021)
  18. Lamborghini - The Legend (Upcoming)
  19. Official Competition (Upcoming)

Popular Television List of Antonio Banderas

  1. Interior Fragments (1984)
  2. The Woman Of Your Life (1990)
  3. The other story of Rosendo Juárez (1990)
  4. Benedict (1993)
  5. And Starring Pancho Villa as Himself (2003)
  6. Shrek The Halls (2007)
  7. Scared Shrekless (2010)
  8. Genius (2018)

antonio banderas movies series list
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