Where to watch Daxi Make a Wish drama with Eng sub & details?

Query By: MADHAN G.


Ash Bright MK.

Daxi Make A Wish | Chinese TV Drama

Daxi Make a Wish is an upcoming Chinese Sci-Fi, romantic television drama series that has 28th episodes in this upcoming season.

Basic Profile of Daxi Make-A-Wish Drama

  • Name of Drama: Daxi Make a Wish
  • Other Names: Xu Ge Yuan Ba, Daxi, Make A Wish Great Joy, Make A Wish Da Xi
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Original Languages: Mandarin 'Chinese'
  • Subtitles: English Subtitles
  • Number of Episodes: 28 Episodes
  • Released Date: ??
  • Aired On Day: ??
  • Original Network: ??
  • Running Time Duration: 45 minutes/episodes
  • Genres: Drama, Romance, Life, Sci-Fi

Cast & Crew of Daxi Make A Wish Drama

Synopsis of Daxi Make a Wish Drama

Daxi's Make-A-Wish drama series follows the story of Gao Da Xi, who is a troublemaker in school who meets a kind and positive girl named Dai Tian Le. Despite their different personalities, They become good friends. However, Dai Tian Le's heart disease worsens and brings her to the verge of death.

A mysterious boy named Tian Xiao appears and grants Da Xi a wish. Dai Xi wished for Dai Tian Le's well-being. It came true but it also came at a cost for Da Xi. He was granted a difficult task that he must complete. This journey to complete the given task with Tian Xiao and Tian Le at his side. Da Xi matures as a person going from a troublemaker to someone who helps the people around him. He learned to be caring and considerate and repaired his broken relationship with his stepmother. His dramatic transformation reveals that wishes and desires do not create change but it is the motivation of people.

Where To Watch "Daxi Make A Wish" Drama With Eng Sub

We will mention full watch details of the drama "Daxi Make A Wish", when it is released including the English and other languages subtitles details. Mostly, all Chinese once released on YouTube or a specific original network, such as Youku, Tencent Video., Viki, YouTube, and more

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