What is the drama & series list of Deng Lun?



Lissa Mike

Deng Lun (Actor)

Deng Lun is a Chinese television and film actor who was born on 02 October 1992 in Beijing, China. He graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy University. In the below, we are mentioned Deng Lun full TV series, dramas, movies, and victory shows complete released and upcoming show list:

Television Series & Dramas List of Deng Lun

  1. Flowers in Fog (2013)
  2. Moment in Peking (2014)
  3. Dai Jia Lao Bao (2015)
  4. Love Upper Lot (2015)
  5. Promise of Migratory Birds (2016)
  6. Magic Star (2017)
  7. Because of You (2017)
  8. White Deer Plain (2017)
  9. Ode to Joy 2 (2017)
  10. Princess Agents (2017)
  11. Sweet Dreams (2018)
  12. Ashes of Love (2018)
  13. The Gods (2019)
  14. My True Friend (2019)
  15. Mr. Fighting (2019)
  16. Blossom in Heart (2019)
  17. Skate Into Love (2020)
  18. Together (2020)
  19. Graduation Season
  20. Loving the Earth

Movies List of Actor Deng Lun

  1. Onmyoji (2020)

Variety Show List of Actor Deng Lun

  1. Where Are We Going, Dad? Season 5 (2017)
  2. Who's the Keyman (2018)
  3. There's something new in the Palace Museum (2018)
  4. Great Escape (2019)
  5. Game On (2019)
  6. There's something new in the Palace Museum 2 (2019)
  7. Go Fighting! 6 (2020)
  8. Great Escape 2 (2020)

Deng Lun joined the Chinese variety game shows Go Fighting and Great Escape as a permanent cast member in 2020. He ranked 34th on Forbes China Celebrity 100 list.

deng lun seriess list
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