What is the drama & series list of Dylan Xiong?

Query By: KK D'SOUZA


DK Varun

Dylan Xiong [TV Series & Movies]

Dylan Xiong is a Chinese actor, singer, model & member of the Taiwanese boyband "SpeXial" since 2016. He started his career to participated in the recording show of Meng Xiang He Chang Tuan in 2012 and became a member of Rainbow Chamber Singers

He served as a backup vocalist for the final episode of the reality program "Chinese Idol" in 2013 & the same year, he has also participated in Hunan TV's singing competition Super Boy. But officially, he made his acting career debut with the television series "Dad is Too Jealous" in 2014.

Profile of Dylan Xiong in Short

Xiong is best known for being appeared in the television dramas like "Men With Swords Season 1" (2016), "Men With Swords Season 2" (2017), "My Mr. Mermaid" (2017), and "Pretty Man" (2018).

List of TV Series of Dylan Xiong

  1. Dad is Too Jealous (2014)
  2. The Ultimate Ranger (2016)
  3. Men with Sword (2016)
  4. The Legendary School: Three Lives Three Worlds (2017)
  5. Painting Heart Expert (2017)
  6. Men with Sword 2 (2017)
  7. My Mr. Mermaid (2017)
  8. Pretty Man (2018)
  9. One and Another Him (2018)
  10. Another Me (2019)
  11. Pretty Man 2 (2019)
  12. As Long As You Love Me (2020)
  13. Legend of Awakening (2020)
  14. Youth Inn (2021)
  15. Love Is Always Online 
  16. The Bachelors
  17. Love is Always Online

List of Movies of Dylan Xiong

  1. Super Firm (2017)

TV Shows of Dylan Xiong

  1. Super Penguin League 2020
  2. Treasured Village
  3. God! You Are So Tall
  4. The Treasured Voice
  5. Ni Hao Sheng Huo Season 1
  6. Youth Periplous
  7. Back to Field: Season 3
  8. SuperNova Games
  9. Produce 101 China
  10. Twenty-Four Hours: Season 3
  11. Who's The Murderer: Season 3
  12. Day Day Up
  13. Happy Camp

dylan xiong series list
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