What is the list of latest Chinese dramas 2019 with eng sub?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Punam Kumar


Amisha Chandrika

List of Top 6 Best Chinese Romantic Dramas

Here is the list of the top 6 Best Chinese romantic dramas list of 2019. It is the first half of the 2019 collection of Chinese dramas. All dramas are available with English subtitles. You can watch it on Youtube and some entertainment sites.

  1. Put Your Head on My Shoulder - 2019
  2. Well, Intended Love - It is known as the drama "How Boss Wants to marry me". The series was adapted based on the famous novel of the same name.
  3. Le Coup De Foudre
  4. I Hear You - Web drama based on the novel with the same title
  5. The Brightest Star in the Sky
  6. Nice to Meet You - 2019

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Rajesh Sinha

Latest Chinese mythological dramas List 2019, available with subtitles. All dramas are based on history, unexpected love, action, etc...

  1. The Untamed
  2. I Will Never Let You Go
  3. Love and Destiny
  4. Empresses in the Palace
  5. The Legend of Harlan
  6. Listening to Snow Tower
  7. Prince of Lan Ling
  8. Goodbye My Princess
  9. The Legend of White Snake
  10. The Destiny of White Snake
  11. Chong Er's Preach
  12. Three Lives Three World
  13. Queen Dugu

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Miky John

The King's Avatar (Since 2019)

It is a 2019 Chinese live-action web series based on the web novel of the same name by Hu Die-Lan. It premiered on Tencent Video on July 24, 2019,

  • Cast - Yang Yang is the main character, Genre of the show is eSports Youth.
  • The show has a total number of episodes 40, season first is running now and the original language of the show is Mandarin, it is also available with English and Chinese subtitles.
  • Current (2019) is a popular show because the rating of the show is  8.8 rating out of 10.

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