What is the current net worth of Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn?

Last Update: Apr 28 2024 | BY: Sahi Vijayashree W


Bilson Rocky

Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn [Actor Worth]

Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn is a popular Thai television & film actor, and model of Thai-Chinese descent who was born on 21 February 1999 in Bangkok, Thailand. Win Metawin is best known for his acting debut role as name Tine in the BL series "2gether" (2020) produced by GMMTV's since then he is working under GMMTV.

Short Profile of Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn

Actually, here we are trying to update information related to Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn's current estimated net worth, hope it will help you to find the date that you are looking for.

Current Net Worth of Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn

Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn is a fast-growing, and talented Thai actor who started his acting career in 2019 that's why currently he is maintaining a good net worth, and also his current net worth is growing significantly in the upcoming year.


According to various online resources, Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn has an estimated current net worth of around $2 Million to $5 Million dollars approximated. The primary source of Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn's earning money is being a professional television and film actor and modeling from the Thai entertainment industry.

Actually, we just mentioned only the approximated current net worth of Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn according to the online resources but it's not the exact net worth of Win Metawin, maybe his current net worth is more than the upper-mentioned amount. BUT We do not have any update about his current salary, annual income, and how much he charges for a TV drama, Show episodes, and movie.

Popular TV Series of Win Metawin Opas-Iakajorn

  1. 2gether: The Series (2020) 
  2. (Still) 2gether: The Series (2020)
  3. F4 Thailand (Boys Over Flowers) (2021) --- See the list of upcoming, released TV series & movies of Win Metawin

Metawin opas iamkajorn net worth 2020
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Mike Wilsion

Brand Promotion of Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn

As per Wikipedia, on January 6, 2023, the renowned Italian luxury fashion house Prada designated Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn as their brand ambassador. He reportedly generated $9.8 million in Earned Media Value for the brand in 2022, marking the highest EMV contribution by a celebrity based in Thailand that year.

Prada also announced in a press release that Metawin would be present at their fall/winter 2023 men's show in Milan on January 15, 2023. According to Launchmetrix, a data and technology company, his attendance resulted in $3.8 million in Media Impact Value for the brand.

On February 29, 2024, Metawin was appointed as the House Ambassador for the American luxury jewelry brand Tiffany & Co. He is the first Thai and Southeast Asian person to receive the title.

Media Attention & Popularity of Win Metawin Opas-iamkajorn

Forbes declared on May 18, 2023, that Win Metawin Opas-Iamkajorn earned a spot on the esteemed Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia 2023 roster. The selection, which occurs annually, entailed assessing over 4,000 individuals, taking into account significant elements like revenue, societal influence, scope, creativity, and prospects. Remarkably, Metawin stood out as the only Thai actor to be featured in this prestigious compilation for the year.

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