How many languages does Devrim Özkan can speak?



Fatima Ali

Devrim Özkan (Birthplace & Education Details)

Turkish actress and model Devrim Ozkan was born and grew up in Mugla, Turkey.  She started her acting career in the Turkish entertainment industry in 2017 and has since been active. She is in an acting field which is why she may be fluent in multiple languages.

Devrim Ozkan also completed her higher education from Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University Bodrum Faculty of Fine Arts.

  • Date of Birth: 2nd September 1998
  • Birthplace: Mugla, Turkey
  • Occupations: actress and model
  • Years active: 2017–present

Languages Devrim Özkan Speak Fluently

Based on Devrim Özkan's birth information and professional background in the entertainment industry, she demonstrates a strong command of the Turkish language and also possesses proficiency in English in comparison to other languages spoken worldwide.

  • Turkish
  • English

There is a possibility that Devrim Özkan is also familiar with other languages such as French, Spanish, Italian, and the sign languages of Turkey. However, according to our database, she is only fluent in Turkish and English.

Explore more articles on actress Devrim Ozkan such as a Full list of TV series and movies done by Devrim Ozkanwhat is the current net worth of Devrim Ozkan? and the full biography of Devrim Ozkan including education, boyfriend, awards, family, kids, and more.

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