How to find out who checked my Facebook profile?




In today's digital world our data is our everything, either we want it or not but still, we have to share our data across various servers via various utility applications, social media, and other digital platforms. So in this scenario where we can't refuse to share our data, there is only one thing in our hand i.e. keep our eye open and monitor your data carefully. This a very wast topic, it has endless things to know but today we are here to know how we can keep eye on our Facebook profile and how we can know who is monitoring or checking our profile.

Since a few years back in Facebook, there was a facility from which we were able to see who is visiting our Facebook profile but a few year back company removed this facility, I don't know why Facebook did this if someone checking our profile then it is a fact and it is our right to know who is checking our profile. But now the reality is Facebook doesn't provide any service from which we can check it, but from a programmer's eye it is possible, today I'm going to tell you how you can very easily find out who is checking your Facebook profile so let's go point by point.

Step 1:

  • Open/Login to your Facebook account on PC/Laptop
  • After Login your URL will look like

Step 2:

  • Now press CTR+U or right-click at any blank place in Facebook and then choose View page source.
  • It will open a new page in a new tab, which will look like some random code.

Step 3:

  • Now on the new page press CRT+F, it will open a small popup, now in the popup type " BUDDY_ID ".
  • Now you will see it will show a number in that popup that means that the number of people who visited your profile.
  • You can use the up arrow and down arrow from the popup to see the visitor's Facebook id.
  • After clicking down the arrow button in the popup, control will be highlighted down below to the "buddy_id" where you will be able to see a huge number around 12 to 20 digits number.
  • Now you have to copy that number, that number is the Facebook user id. After copy follows step 4.

Step 4:

  • Open a new tab in the same browser and type below in the URL
  • Paste copied number in URL after .com/
  • Then press enter button, you will be able to see the user profile who visited your profile.
  • Now you can do it for all other IDs that are opened in the source code.
  • Suppose if buddy_id: "9455466323564575" Then URL will be like

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