What is the TV Series & movies list of Tim Pei?



Ash Bright MK.

Tim Pei [TV Series & Movies]

Tim Pei or "Pei Zi Tian" is a Chinese actor and model who was born on 17th June 1990 in China. He started his acting career in 2014 in the Chinese TV  industry & started his career in the film industry in 2015.

Short Profile of Actor Tim Pei

Tim Pei debuts his television acting career in 2015 with the TV series "Sunshine in Me" as a supporting role after he made his first debut in the film industry with the film "From Now to the Past" as a lead role after that, He did multiples projects.

Full TV Series List of Tim Pei

  1. Sunshine in Me
  2. The Taoism Grandmaster (2018)
  3. Sweet Combat (2018)
  4. The Legend of Hao Lan (2019)
  5. The Legend of White Snake (2019)
  6. Sanatorium For Love (2019)
  7. Miss Truth (2020)
  8. My Love, Enlighten Me (2020)
  9. She is the One (2021) 
  10. Legend of Anle
  11. Private Shu Shan College

Movies List of Tim Pei

  • From Now To The Past
  • The Legend of Kunlun

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