How is Thai drama "Mae Liang" & where to watch it?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Flynn



Mae Liang Thai Drama

Mae Liang | Stepmother

Mae Liang (แม่เลี้ยง) also known as "Stepmother" is a novel based Thai thriller-mystery drama adapted from the novel "Maya Kawao" by Naranch. It is a Channel 3 network original drama, anticipated to be released in early 2024.

The drama follows the story of a woman "Ploysaeng" and a young girl "Darinkan". Ploysaeng has become the stepmother of Darinkan who dislikes her very much even though Ploysaeng loves and cares for her deeply. Because of her hatred, Darinkan makes a plan to get rid of Ploysaeng.

The Thai star actress Eisaya Hosuwan and newcomer actor Kongthap Peak are set to play the lead character in the drama. Since Eisaya is experienced whereas Kongthap Peak is less experienced, It would be very interesting to see their on-screen chemistry.

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I'm strongly willing to watch this drama, especially since I want to see Kongthap Peak once again. Many people criticized his acting in his first drama "Dare to Love" but I love his acting, do you also like his acting or not?

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