Which is the best C# tutorial on YouTube?

Query By: ADOM


Deepa Jha

Hello, I'm Deepa Jha from India

I would like to share my personal opinion about learning the C# programming language through free YouTube tutorials. Initially, I had trouble finding a comprehensive tutorial on C# as a beginner.

As you know, when we searched for "C# full tutorial for beginners" on YouTube, over 100 YouTube channels were displayed, and very difficult to identify which one was good for us.

Best YouTube Channel for C#

According to my experience, "kudvenkat" is the best YouTube channel to learn C# for beginners. It is presented by PragimTechnology (PragimTech.com), the company is based in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

  • Name of Company: PragimTechnology
  • Website: PragimTech.com
  • Originally Located: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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