How to Generate Random Alphanumeric String in C#?



Generate Random Alphanumeric String in C Sharp

Generate Random Alphanumeric String in C#

There are direct methods to Generate Random Numbers but there is no direct method to generate a random alphanumeric string, but if we want to generate a random alphanumeric string we can use some trick to implement this. Here in this answer, I'm going to introduce a simple trick to generate a random alphanumeric string, so let's see this.

Trick to Generate Random Alphanumeric String

In this trick, you need 2 things to generate an alphanumeric random string

  •  An alphanumeric pre-defined string
  • The length of random alphanumeric string that you want, Let's suppose we want 10 characters alphanumeric random string.

string base_string = "ffg45gt567dhgh6jkzas67a04nfd560424ggi5snw0bq9a184vxz2nr3";

int rs_lenght=10

string ranString = null; // final random alphanumeric string

Random rdn = new Random();

int rn_index;

int i;

 for (i = 0; i < rs_lenght; i++)


     rn_index = rdn.Next(base_string.Length);

      ranString = ranString + base_string.ElementAt(rn_index);


From the above code, you will get the random alphanumeric string ( ranString )  which length will be 10 char, You can change the char in base_string and the length of output random alphanumeric string length by changing the value of rs_length.

I hope the above code will solve your problem, if you like my answer kindly vote for my answer.

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