What are the list of Mike D Angelo dramas?



Naijnam Usman

Mike D'Angelo [TV Series & Movies]

Mike Angelo, formerly known as the name of 'Mike D'Angelo' and the stage name of 'Mike Pirath Nitipaisankul' is a Thai-Chinese singer, actor, and model who is best known for being a part of the music duet Golf and Mike.

Full List of TV Drama of Mike D'Angelo

  1. My Amazing Boyfriend 2 (2019)
  2. Mr. Swimmer (2018)
  3. Delicious Destiny (2017)
  4. Wu Xin: The Monster Killer 2 (2017)
  5. Little Valentine (2017)
  6. My Little Princess (2016)
  7. Legend of Nine Tails Fox (2016)
  8. Ploer Jai Hai Nai Pbeesard (2015)
  9. Kiss Me (2015)
  10. Wu Xin: The Monster Killer (2015)
  11. Hua Jai Patapee (2015)
  12. Maya Nang Fah (2014)
  13. Raak Boon 2 (2014)
  14. Full House (2014)
  15. Raak Boon (2012)
  16. Likit Fah Cha Ta Din (2012)
  17. Ubatruk Karmkobfah 2 (2009)
  18. Ubatruk Karmkobfah (2008)

Mike was born on 19 December 1989 in Thailand, he was a part of the duet with his brother, Golf Pichaya Nitipaisalkul, from 2005 to 2010. He auditioned for the group G-Junior at 11 years of age. Mike began his acting career debut in 2008 through the television drama "Ubatruk Karmkobfah".

Short Profile of Mike D'Angelo

Full List of Movies of Mike D'Angelo

  1. The House That Never Dies 2 (2017)
  2. Mr. Pride vs. Miss Prejudice (2017)
  3. Surprise (2015)
  4. Hashima Project (2013)
  5. Eternity (2010)
  6. Kiss me Special (2015) - Special

TV Shows of Mike D'Angelo

  1. Lipstick Prince: Season 2 (2019)
  2. SuperNova Games (2018)
  3. Idol Hits (2018)
  4. Lipstick Prince(2018)
  5. Chinese Restaurant (2017)
  6. Happy Camp (1997)

mike dangelo series list
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