How many languages Mike D Angelo can speak?

Last Update: Apr 28 2024 | BY: Juliya DC


Deepak GM

Mike D'Angelo or 'Pirath Nitipaisankul'

Mike D'Angelo is an actor who is active in both the Thai and Chinese entertainment industries. He is a singer, actor, and model who made his acting debut in 2008 with the TV drama "Ubatruk Karmkobfah".

Since then he has appeared in multiples films and television series such as the Thai version of "Full House" (2014), popular Thai drama series "Kiss Me" (2015), "My Little Princess" (2016), "Delicious Destiny" (2017), and "My Amazing Boyfriend" (2019).

Languages Mike Angelo Can Speak

Mike D'Angelo was born on 19 December 1989 in Thailand that's why he can speak Thailand's official language, Thai, very fluently because Thai his native language. Actually, Mike is one of the talented actors who can speak multiple languages such as Chinese (Mandarin) and English very fluently.

Basic Profile of Mike D'Angelo


Hey, Guys! I'm Nishamika here I'm going to write a simple idea for learning and speaking a new international language.

"Actually, learning or speaking multiple international languages is a really very different type of experience and talent but in comparison to learning/speaking English is an easy language to other international languages like French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, Thai, Tamil, Russian, etc...

Because these mentioned languages have completely different tongue styles BUT If you are really interested to learn more than one international language such as mentioned on the upper line, then you can definitely able to learn/speak it's because nothing is impossible just be honest and find out your learning capacity & learning style, and just execute it, That's all, it's really simple".

----- I hope this article can help you to execute your learning plan [Thank You]

mike dangelo languages speak
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