Where to watch Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies (2021) drama Eng Sub?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Surmani Ilmaan


Shushi RaNa

Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies | Chinese Drama

Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies is an upcoming Chinese television drama series that may be set to release in 2021 but we don't have to confirm information when it will going to broadcast.

The Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies drama series set to broadcast on MangoTv's original network in China.

Profile Details of Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies

  • Full Name of Drama: Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies
  • Other Names: Don’t Think About Interrupting My Studies, Bie Xiang Da Rao Wo Xue Xi
  • Directed By Chen Fei Hong
  • Country of Origin: China
  • Original Language: Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Subtitles: English Subtitles
  • Number of Episodes: 24 Episodes
  • Released Date: 2021 - ??
  • Aired On Day: ??
  • Original Network: MangoTV, MangoTV
  • Running Time Duration: 45 Minutes/Episode
  • Genres: Comedy, Romance, School, Youth, Drama

Cast & Crews of Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies

Synopsis of Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies

Don't Think of Interrupting My Studies drama story based on 28 years old Nan Xiang Wan, who is an established HR manager. She appears to be a winner in life but suffers from anxiety. When she receives psychiatric treatment, it takes her back to her memories in high school ten years ago.

In the class where she is always out of place, Xiang Wan faces constant problems on her journey to getting a placement in her desired university classmates who constantly interrupt her studies, her hatred for her father, and the memories of high school she cannot bear to face.

One day she meets and befriends Lin Xiao Ran, who is a sports student as they get to know each other, Xiang Wan realizes that apart from results, everyone has their positive traits and that winning is not everything. She started helping out her classmates, getting them to fall in love with studying and encouraging them to chase after their dreams. Finally, Xiang Wan was able to attain friendship, rediscover the energy of youth and gain her father's understanding.

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