What is the difference between details and summary tag?


Sandeep Singh

Difference Between details and summary Tag

In HTML details tag and summary tag are used together to achieve the task. The combination of <details> tag and <summary> tag are generally used to provide additional details about anything in such a way so that it can be open or closed on click for reading the additional details.

Let's see how we can use details and summary tags in HTML


  <summary>Your Summary Heading</summary>

  <p>Your detailed description goes here, you can write any information here it will be hidden, only by expending anyone can see this information or message</p>


Main Difference Between details and summary Tag

  • <details> tag is used to provide additional information about anything whereas <summary> tag is used within <details> tag to provide the title/heading for <details> tag.
  • <details> tag can be used without <summary> tag whereas <summary> tag can't used without <details> tag.

You can see how the above example will appear when we run the above code on the HTML page.

difference between details and summary tag
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