How many languages does David Mazouz can speak?

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Gitanjali Verma

American Actor David Mazouz Short Bio

David Mazouz, also known by his full name David Albert Mazouz was born on 19 February 2001 in Los Angeles, California, United States. Mazouz is an American actor who is active since 2010.

Languages actor David Mazouz Speaks fluently

David Mazouz came from a Sephardic Jewish family, his father Michel Mazouz is a medical doctor from Tunisia, and his mother Rachel Cohen is a psychotherapist whose parents are from Greece. He was born and grow up in Los Angeles, California, United States that's why he is very fluent in his native language English as well as Spanish.

Maybe David Mazouz can also speak some other languages like German and French a little bit but this is not exact information it's just maybe can speak other languages. Actually, speaking multiple languages help him to expand his acting career worldwide and get many more audiences in the upcoming years.

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