What are the Businesses, Salary, and Net Worth of Bella Ramsey?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Jasmine


Paul W.

Bella Ramsey is a British film and television actress, best recognized for her outstanding acting as Lyanna Mormont in HBO's popular tv series Game of Thrones (2016). This piece of content contains brief details about Bella Ramsey's other businesses, salary, and current net worth.

Bella Ramsey Businesses

Bella Ramsey is a talented personality, along with great acting skills she has a great business mind too. She has many business ideas in her mind for the future but for the time being, Bella just wants to focus on her acting career so there is no other business associated with her.

Bella Ramsey Salary

Bella Ramsey works in the American entertainment industry, in the American entertainment industry there is no exact salary system for celebrities. The celeb's salary depends on the particular project and its popularity so there is no data available to mention the salary of Bella Ramsey.

Bella Ramsey's Net Worth

Bella Ramsey working in the American entertainment industry since 2016 and has done more than 20+ movies and tv series. Working as a professional actress is the primary resource of her earnings however she also earns a hefty amount from commercials.

Officially there is no data available about her exact net worth but according to our unofficial resources, Bella Ramsey's current net worth is estimated somewhere between ($1-$1.5) million.

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