How many languages does Dylan O'Brien can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Vinikay Lazza

Dylan O'Brien American Actor

Dylan O'Brien is an American actor who was born on 26 August 1991 in New York City, New York, United States. He made his acting debut in 2011 to present in the Hollywood entertainment industry.

Dylan O'Brien is known for his lead role named Thomas in the Maze Runner dystopian science fiction trilogy and for his role as Stiles Stilinski in the MTV television series Teen Wolf. He also works in films such as The First Time and American Assassin and as one of the supporting roles in The Internship & Deepwater Horizon.

Languages Dylan O'Brien Can Speaks

About Dylan O'Brien's language speaking ability, He can speak multiple languages including EnglishItalianSpanish very fluently. Actually, he was born in New York, United States BUT he was growing up in Springfield Township, New Jersey, until the age of twelve when he and his family moved to Hermosa Beach, California his father is of Irish descent, and his mother is of Italian, English and Spanish ancestry that's why he is able to speak these languages.

BUT about Dylan O'Brien's speaking ability in other languages like German, Russian, French, other international languages we do not have enough updates he is able to speak or not (to be updated soon!!!)

Language Learning Status of Dylan O'Brien

Dylan O'Brien is currently just only 29 years old a famous American actor that's why maybe he is trying to learn another language but currently, we don't have any updates related to his learning status.


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