How many languages does Tommy Lee Jones can speak?

Query By: ADOM


Vivek Bright

tommy lee jones speak languages

American Actor Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones is an American actor and film director who has received various accolades including an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.

Languages Fluently Spoken by Tommy Lee Jones

Tommy Lee Jones was born on 15 September 1946 in San Saba, Texas. His mother, Lucille Marie Jones was a police officer, school teacher, and beauty shop owner, and his father, Clyde C. Jones was a cowboy and oil field worker. He is very fluent in "English" (—the official language of the United States of America—) very well compared to other international languages that are spoken across the world.

Maybe Tommy Lee Jones can also speak some other foreign languages, such as French, Spanish, Italian, and German although it is unclear to what extent he is competent in them. Our team is working on this article, so, we will update this article once we get more details regarding his proficiency in speaking other foreign languages.

  • English

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