Which are the top movies and tv shows of Natassia Halabi?

Query By: ADOM


Shurbhi Jha

Natassia Halabi (TV Series, Movies, Shows)

Natassia Halabi is one of the popular Australian actresses who works with Ethan Hawke, Chris O'Donnell, and David James Elliot. Below, we are trying to list the television series, movies, and television shows done by her in detail.

Full List of TV Series By Natassia Halabi

  1. Anonymous Killers
  2. NCIS: Los Angeles
  3. Mossad Agent Eliana Sapir
  4. Regionrat
  5. Lonely and Horny
  6. Pledges
  7. BloodLands
  8. Inside Scarlett
  9. The Elf
  10. Born to Be Blue
  11. Designer Pups
  12. Secretary Samantha
  13. Smolders Beneath
  14. Soledad
  15. Lost with You
  16. Faceless
  17. Two Letters 

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