What is the TV Series & movies list of Jung Shi Yool?



Ferry Kela

Jung Shi Yool (TV Series, Movies, etc...)

In 2017, Korean child actor Jung Shi Yool started his acting career with a guest role in the television drama series "Enemies from the Past" in the role of Orphanage Kid, and since then active.

Full List of TV Series by Jung Shi Yool

  1. The Story of Park's Marriage Contract
  2. Evilive
  3. Once Upon a Small Town
  4. Extraordinary Attorney Woo
  5. Green Mothers' Club
  6. School 2021
  7. Jirisan 
  8. Mad for Each Other
  9. Move to Heaven
  10. Birthcare Center
  11. Tale of the Nine-Tailed
  12. Into the Ring
  13. The King: Eternal Monarch
  14. Hospital Playlist
  15. V.I.P
  16. Miss Lee
  17. Her Private Life
  18. The Last Empress
  19. Big Forest
  20. Time
  21. Thirty But Seventeen 
  22. What's Wrong with Secretary Kim 
  23. Secret Mother
  24. Enemies from the Past

List of Movies By Jung Shi Yool

  1. Toxic as Min Woo's friend
  2. Stellar: A Magical Ride as Joon Ah [Dong Shik's son]
  3. The King's Letters as Crown Prince's son

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