What is the current net worth Thai actor Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Deenu Bright


MiKi Waran

Meen Nichakoon, Working Experience & Education

Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak started his career in the television industry. He was part of the photo BL fiction "350 Days - Falling in Love" and also acted in the music video for the song "Your Answer" along with Mook Worranit Thawornwong.

He has been cast for a supporting role in the series "Praomook". He joined Bangkok University International majoring in Communication Arts and was a basketball player in the forward position for the Hitech Basketball Club.

Current Net Worth Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak

Meen Nichakoon Khajornborirak started his career with a supporting role as "Tul" in the Thai BL series Love By Chance" or "A Chance to Love, which is why, he is currently maintaining a good net worth, as well as, increasing significantly. According to various online resources, Meen has an estimated current net worth of around $1,00,000 to $5 Million, and his primary source earnings is a professional Thai television actor from the Thai Entertainment Industry.

meen Nichakoon current net worth
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