What is the current net worth of Thai actor Luke Ishikawa Plowden?



Lizza RR

Current Net Worth of Luke Ishikawa Plowden

Luke Ishikawa Plowden has become a popular Thai television actor, singer, and model based on Japanese-American. He started his acting career as one of the supporting role names "Ken" in the TV series "Wolf" in 2019 since then he is working under GMMTV.

After 2019, he has done several projects around more than 10+ TV series that's why he has a good net worth right now. Even the year 2021 is really good for him because this year GMMTV released a popular romantic series named "Ohh My Boss" where he was cast as one of the lead roles and he becomes a popular Thai actor.

If talk about his current net worth in 2023 and 2024 he is maintaining a good net worth which is around $1.5 Million to $5 Million dollars approximated as well as his current net worth is growing significantly in upcoming years. Luke has mostly earned all his money is being a professional actor and model in Thailand and other countries' entertainment industries as well as the world fashion industry.

Acting Career of Luke Ishikawa Plowden

Luke Ishikawa Plowden was born in Japan but he grows up in the United States of America. He completed his schooling at the State College Area High School in Pennsylvania after that he went to college at George Washington University for pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Statistics from 2014-2017.

Profile & Life Style of Luke Ishikawa Plowden

Ishikawa Plowden, also known by the nickname "Luke" is a Thai television actor and model as we mentioned in the upper lines but here, we are trying to list some basic information about actor Luke Ishikawa Plowden:

TV Series of Luke Ishikawa Plowden

  1. Wolf (2019)
  2. Wake Up Ladies 2: Very Complicated (2020)
  3. Oh My Boss (2021)
  4. Mama Gogo: The Series (2021)
  5. Nabi, My Stepdarling (2021) -------- See the full list of TV series & movies of Luke Ishikawa Plowden

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