How many languages does Mark Wahlberg can speak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Adom


Parul Pathak

Birth Details & Acting Career of Mark Wahlberg

American actor Mark Wahlberg was born on 5 June 1971 in the Dorchester neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. His mother Alma Elaine was a bank clerk and a nurse's aide, and his father Donald Edmond Wahlberg Sr. was a U.S. Army veteran of the Korean War.

Wahlberg's father was of Swedish and Irish descent. His mother was of Irish, English, and French-Canadian ancestry. He was raised Catholic and attended Copley Square High School on Newbury Street in Boston.

Languages Speak by "Mark Wahlberg" Fluently

Mark Wahlberg is very fluent in English but along with the English (the most spoken language in American and Western countries) language, he can also speak multiple languages in his acting career such as Spanish, French, and German. But if talk about his fluency, he is very fluent in the mentioned languages, he only speaks them when required.

  • English (Very Fluent)
  • Spanish
  • French

mar wahllberg speak langauges fluently
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