Which are the top movies and tv shows of Jordan Loughran?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Adom



Jordan Loughran | British Actress

Jordan Loughran is a British actress and model who was born in Stratford, England. She has appeared in TV productions such as UGetMe, Saving Nellie, and presented Richmond English 24. Jordan's work also includes radio participation in The Lamplighter.

TV Series & Movies List of Jordan Loughran

  1. Raised by Wolves (2020, TV Series) as Tempest
  2. Doctors (2018, TV Series) as Meriem Benyamina
  3. Emerald City (2017, TV Series) as Tip
  4. Evermoor Confidential Chronicles (2016, TV Series) as Sorsha Doyle
  5. The Evermoor Chronicles (2014-2016, TV Series) as Sorsha Doyle / Sorsha
  6. Dixi (2014-2016, TV Series) as Eve
  7. Derren Brown: Apocalypse (TV Mini-Series documentary) as Leona

Jordan Loughran movies and series list
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