How many languages Talay Sanguandikul can speak?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Pulkit Rana


DK Varun

Talay Sanguandikul, Birth Details

Lay Talay Sanguandikul was born and grew up in Bangkok, Thailand. He attended Srinakharinwirot University in the Social Communication Innovation faculty for his higher education.

Languages Talay Sanguandikul Speak Fluently

Talay Sanguandikul is very fluent in Thai compared to other languages, which is his native language, as well as, the official language of Thailand. He can also speak and understand English but he is not very fluent in English like his native language Thai.

Language Learning Status of Talay Sanguandikul

Talay Sanguandikul is a young and talented actor maybe he is currently trying to learn a new international language to expand his acting career in other countries, especially in Korea, Taiwan, China, and Filipino.

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