Can a div have multiple IDs?

Last Update: Apr 27 2024 | BY: Jumoke Funke


Mohit Verma

HTML <div> Have multiple IDs

No, a <div> or any other HTML element cannot have multiple IDs. The id attribute is used to uniquely identify an element within an HTML document. According to the HTML specification, the id attribute must be unique among all elements in the entire document.

Having multiple IDs for a single element would violate this rule and lead to invalid HTML markup. Each ID should be unique to its corresponding element, as it allows various technologies, such as JavaScript and CSS, to target and manipulate that specific element without affecting others.

If need to associate multiple identifiers or classes with a <div> or any other element, you can use the class attribute. The class attribute allows an element to have one or more class names, and you can apply the same class to multiple elements if needed.

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